Stop Avast Browser From Opening On Startup

How To Stop Avast Browser From Opening On Startup

Most people can agree that they don’t want their Avast Browser to open every time they start up their computer. This is because it can load your homepage, create a new tab, and show you the virus protection status. Luckily, there’s an easy way to stop this from happening.

Steps to Stop Avast Browser From Opening On Startup

Follow these steps:

Step 1) Click on “Settings” in the menu bar at the top of your browser window

Step 2) Click on “General Settings”

Step 3 ) Scroll down until you see the option to “Open Avast Browser at Windows Startup”

Step 4 ) Uncheck this box and then click on “OK” if it appears. This should stop your browser from opening every time you start up your computer!

If you ever want to change your settings back, just follow these same steps and check the box next to “Open Avast Browser at Windows Startup.”

You can also stop the browser from opening automatically when you start up your computer by going to your Task Manager. Go to “Startup” and find “Avast Browser.” Right-click on it and select “disable.”

This will stop the browser from opening every time you start up your computer.

For Mac users

However, if you’re using a Mac, unfortunately, there is no way to disable the Avast Browser from automatically starting up. But don’t worry – we have some tips for how to make it less intrusive!

One thing that you can do is change your homepage and new tab page. To do this, go to “Settings” and then “General Settings.” Scroll down until you see the options for “Homepage” and “New Tab Page.” You can either change these to your preferred websites or leave them blank.

Avast Browser doesn’t show up in your taskbar

Another thing that you can do is adjust your settings so that the Avast Browser doesn’t show up in your taskbar. To do this, go to “Settings” and then “General Settings.” Scroll down until you see the option for “Display Avast Browser in Taskbar.” Select “No” and then click on “OK.”

Finally, you can also adjust your settings so that the Avast Browser doesn’t take up the whole screen. To do this, go to “Settings” and then “General Settings.” Scroll down until you see the option for “Avast Browser Window Size.” You can choose between “Normal,” “Minimized,” and “Maximized.” Select the size that you prefer and then click on “OK.”

We hope that these tips help you make the Avast Browser less intrusive on your computer!

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