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Best Effective Study Tips To Help You Study Smarter

Best Effective Study Tips To Help You Study Smarter

There are some best study techniques for memorization tips, which will help you to study smarter in COVID-19.

Organize your notes visually.

Rewrite the main points of a class or topic as a diagram; try using a mind map or flow chart or colour-coding the main elements of the topic. Then you can take a quick look before taking an exam. It will help you to recapture your faded memory. In this way, organizing your notes in short form is the best study tip for exams.

Repeated exposure to the material

Short-term memory is like the party space in your brain; the information is there, not for long. Transferring information from short-term memory to long-term memory takes time. It needs repeated exposure to the material. You’ll likely forget some of the material for a few days and then remember it when you return to your books. This increases exposure to information that brings you closer to long-term memory. This is one kind of revision technique.

Test yourself

Testing yourself in the material you have learned is more effective than reading it. Rereading the content may make you think you are familiar with the material, but until you try to recall that material by heart, you will not know how well you know. Testing yourself is the best study technique for memorization. And what the gaps in your knowledge are. Understanding the content and learning it by heart are two different things. Testing yourself is much important if you want to learn by heart.

Sleeping after learning

Sleeping after learning stimulates memories of the information that connects to your brain, and it strengthens your long term memory. Think of your brain as a tree. Knowledge makes a branch grow, but sleeping helps grow the leaves and other small branches that will support and strengthen them.

A short break to refresh

best study techniques for memorization

Taking a short break after some learning is better than working right away. Because it improves your ability to focus on a given task without being distracted, research has shown that improvement occurs after 15 minutes of moderate activity (jogging, brisk walking, bouncing a ball). Still, improvement shows after vigorous exercise (running, jumping) or a break. Memory is more reliable for things learned immediately before and after a break, so save those moments for complicated things.

Meet a study group

You should have a social life and study, get together with your friends, and share ideas which is the best way to study. You can get a new perspective on a topic or find a better way to tackle a task. Online groups can also work for learning in a group. Some people can remember a good lesson by explaining It to others. So, you can do it with your friends in the group. this is a smarter study tip.

Nourish your brain and stay healthy

Eat well. Functional brain foods include fish, walnuts, blueberries, and yoghurt. Take some active time to keep fit. Oxygen also helps your memory to boost, so take a break and get some fresh air.

Focus on the process, not the result

Successful students focus on learning the information, not a particular grade. Research by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck shows that these students.

Focus on effort, not the bottom line
Focus on the process, not the performance

He believes they can improve even on their weak topics as long as they are committed to the time and hard work. Focus on one thing is effective study tip for students.
Accept challenges
We are defining success as striving to learn something new, not getting the best marks.

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