Gratitude Affirmations

Affirmations for Gratitude to Feel Calm, and Happiness

Gratitude is the authentic and genuine sensation of being thankful and appreciation of everything that happens in life. Gratitude affirmations is a simple way of being grateful for things that you have in life.

When you acknowledge the blessings of life you have, then you will be more satisfied with your life. You can feel good about personal things as well as for anything that makes your heart happy. Gratitude actually is gratefulness for each and everything in life.

Gratitude practice is embracing and showing gratitude for all beautiful things, blessings, relations, friends, and experiences in life. It is a way to realize what is important to you and allow you to focus on just your dreams.

How does Gratitude actually work:

Gratitude is a strong and powerful feeling that can change your life, outlook, thinking perspective, and mood. Regular and daily basis practice can improve you mentally, physically, and emotionally and make you more energetic.

In this way, it brings positive changes to your behavior, health, hormone level, and many more because positive thoughts and emotions make life more joyful.

During stress and anxious condition, your body releases hormones cortisol and adrenaline that help you to perceive the danger. This causes a fight-or-flight response. When you continuously remain under stress, it may cause chronic health conditions and inflammation. It also induces fatigue, brain fog, loss of motivation and affects metabolic activities also.

Gratitude Affirmations:

A Gratitude affirmation is a simple way of being grateful for things that you have in life. You have started a new day with hope, gratitude, and positivity. Look at the blessings and gifts of life and make them a source of gratitude and happiness.

Emotional feelings are greatly associated with my thoughts. When you think positively, it will elevate your mood and provide strength. This behavior completely changes the perspective of life. That’s why positive and gratitude affirmations are important for all types of people.

Ways to use  affirmations for Gratitude in life:

Here are few ways that can be used for the implementation of affirmations;

  • Enlist all the things for which you are grateful in your life and make their source of gratitude affirmations.
  • Gratitude affirmations keep away all the negative and useless thoughts that make you unhappy.
  • It keeps you satisfied with what you have in life.
  • The affirmations of gratitude gave you reminders of blessings and their role in your life.
  • It will help to boost up self-confidence. Life is unpredictable and when you suffer through some misery or mishaps, you become unhappy. In this situation, gratitude affirmations help you out to understand the true meaning of life.
  • They assist to focus on blessings and away from negative thoughts. This is helpful to avoid stress and depression.
  • Gratitude affirmations are helpful for personal development.
  • Gratitude brings happiness and inner peace into your life by helping you to focus on your dreams and goals.
  • Affirmations along with gratitude help you to get a beautiful and satisfying life.

Affirmations of gratitude can vary from person to person:

Gratitude affirmations can vary from person to person and different people have their own opinion about them. It can be thought, viewpoint, a feeling or emotion, and a response. But as a whole everyone agrees that to be thankful for blessings of life is gratitude.

When you start developing gratitude as a habit it makes a huge benefit on your life. Repeat gratitude affirmations daily and observe the results.

People feel it difficult to write every day and repeating these affirmations of gratitude, but trust me when you start doing this it will bring amazing results. An attitude of gratitude should not be so difficult. It will not take much of your time. Develop the habit of being grateful on daily basis.

Why and When to use Affirmations of Gratitude:

When you are worried and depressed then some positive thoughts or affirmations can give you the courage to stand up and face the problem. They are not just words but can change the whole story of life.

When you start focusing on what you have in life and stop worrying about things that are not in your control, life will become easier. Positive thoughts replace negative on and hence life will take a new turn.

Some Positive Affirmations of Gratitude:

Here are some positive gratitude affirmations that can help you to build a habit of being grateful and appreciate the great things in life:

  • I am grateful for my life.
  • I really appreciate the blessings that Allah has given me i.e. my vision, ears, hands, and everything that many other people do not have.
  • I am thankful for the love that I received from others.
  • I am thankful to the Universe for all the blessings in my life.
  • Every day is a new blessing and I really admire it.
  • I am growing and grooming day by day.
  • I am blessed with the strength and passion to fulfill my dreams.
  • I am happy because I have much more in my life than I actually deserve.
  • I am thankful to all people who always supported me in my tough time.
  • I am grateful for all opportunities in my life.
  • I am happy to see the new perspective of life.
  • I am blessed to have everything that I want.
  • I realized that there is something good even in bad situations too.
  • I thanks the universe to help me out in every difficulty.
  • I am thankful for every opportunity to do something good and help others.
  • The hardships and obstacles in life are just to polish our personality and make us strong.
  • I thank the Universe for helping me find joy and abundance.
  • I am grateful for being awake up every day and can see the beauty that surrounds me.
  • The more grateful I will be for my life, life will become easier.
  • I am learning to be grateful for what I have while being excited for what has yet to come.
  • I am grateful now, and that is keeping the door open for more blessings.
  • I believe that even devastation can bring goodness and opportunity and that is my strength.

According to Ralph H. Blum;

“There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy.” – Ralph H. Blum

So if you spend just a few minutes each day writing down positive affirmations of what you’re grateful for right before you go to bed, you’ll soon wake up automatically thinking grateful thoughts.

And since your emotions are created by your thoughts, thinking about what you’re grateful for will quickly turn into what you’re feeling.


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