spiritual affirmations

Spiritual Affirmations for Spiritual Growth & Alignment

Spirituality is a broad concept in its context. Spirituality explores love, compassion, death, truth, knowledge, and wisdom. Spiritual affirmations are realistic and have no concern with materialistic things. A spiritual person believes that something having more power than him and his experiences as the creator of the universe is present. He believes in God.

Spirituality stands for the recognition of the fact that irrespective of our physical and biological needs, we all have spiritual needs also. It makes someone think beyond the concept of selfishness. Saints and religious people have great levels of development due to their spirituality.

Spirituality and Religion:

Spirituality is about the sense of tranquility and motive. It is a totally individualistic phenomenon. Religion is a well-defined and organized set of beliefs for worship and is related to God.

Spirituality is not only related to religion. It covers the entire life of a person. Spirituality focuses on directing your attention to productive things. It directs towards the specific purpose of life with different practices and activities. All spiritual traditions have a long history of using new practices to increase compassion, empathy, and attention, as well as quiet the mind.

According to a Philosopher;

“You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith, and hope.”  Thomas Merton

Religion is very close to society and community. Although religion and spirituality are different things, they are closely related to one another. Both religion and spirituality work with soul and spirit. Spiritual development is a continuous process to aid healing and positivity. Our spirit for spirituality provides health and balance of life.

Spiritual Awakening:

Spiritual Awakening is the way to get inner peace, satisfaction, kindness, and compassion in every situation of life. It’s not the end of a journey or destination but it is a process of self-development. It continues from day to day and moment to moment.

Affirmations for spiritual awakening are helpful to line up yourself with this universe and life. They help you to feel the beauty and love everything around you and give peace and satisfaction to the mind.

Spiritual Affirmations:

Spiritual affirmations focus and emphasize your inner connection with the creator and divinity. Spiritual affirmations keep sad, anxious, and depressing feelings away. They teach love, trust, faith, and surrender. It will help you to go into a new life with strength and power. In order to get a positive sensation, repeat them every night especially when you are anxious.

Following are some spiritual affirmations;

  • I appreciate the divinity that is present within me.
  • I am a spiritual human being in my existence.
  • I always believe in the plan of the universe and His creator for me.
  • I am sure that I will get what is best for me at the right time.
  • My own self is my best friend and I love myself.
  • I have a strong connection with God.
  • I am a pure, sincere, and beautiful creation of God.
  • I am always guided by the creator of the universe and protected by it.
  • I am an extension of this world.
  • I surrender myself to the decision of God.
  • I always get light and strength from within myself.
  • I always admire myself for little things.
  • I believe that God loves me a lot and will never let me down.
  • I am not afraid of difficulties because I can see the good in disguise also.
  • I get energy from divine sources.
  • A large amount of abundance and creativity is present within me which I can use for the betterment of my life.
  • I am a divine being.
  • Life is a beautiful gift of God.
  • I have human experience with spirit and strength.
  • I can get energy from inside anytime when I need it.
  • God made me unique and beautiful and He is always with me.
  • I do not worry about the problems of life, I leave them to God.
  • I have a mission and goal to achieve in my life.
  • Religion helps me to get the morals of life and implement them in life.
  • I must do what I want.
  • I allow myself to gain wisdom.
  • Religion is a source to get ethical values too.
  • I keep my past away from my present.
  • I do not let others snatch my peace of mind.
  • I am the source of my love and compassion.
  • I am not alone, God is always with me.

How to use Spiritual Affirmations:

Following are some of the spiritual affirmations that can help you to live a satisfying life;

In order to implement affirmations in your life, make sure that what you are repeating is what you actually believe in.

Affirmations help when you know what you are saying. It is not just about saying them as a formality. Select a few affirmations and repeat with imagination what you will feel when you act upon them.

If you recite affirmations regularly and bring you a sense of relief, it means you are going right.

Make sure that you write and enlist all affirmations that you have to add to your routine. You know the situation and circumstances of your life. Nobody else knows the challenges of your life, so tackle them in your own way. Affirmations written on paper are more powerful tools.

Importance of Spiritual Affirmations:

Spiritual Affirmations have the following important aspects;

Affirmations are another way to get close to Allah Almighty. Although this closeness can be achieved by other ways to do prayers and worship.

Spiritual persons offer prayers regularly. They are considered the link between Creator and creation. You can add spiritual affirmations with your prayers to boost them up.

These affirmations keep your subconscious mind with spirituality.

How Spiritual Affirmations differ from other Affirmations:

Spiritual affirmations are realistic and have no concern with materialistic things. They are always used for the soul and its enlightenment. It does not matter for which religion you belong. It just brings close to God and is a source of a strong relationship with Him. These affirmations make your belief in God stronger. They also help to get a balanced life. Spiritual affirmations enhance the love for God.



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